I turned my wife’s childhood coloring book into a poster for the nursery

DIY Coloring book Poster

A few weeks ago I was helping my wife’s parents clean out some boxes and ran across an old coloring book that my wife must have used has a child. Flipping through the book I found a few pages my wife had colored in and even signed. I decided I should save the book from the trash pile and attempt to come up with a project using it. This poster is that project.



I probably could have used a smaller frame but this is what I had laying around


  • One old coloring book full of childhood memories
  • One oversized frame

If I had really wanted to fancy it up I would order a black mat to help fill in the frame and spruce it up.


Picking the right pages

I must really like showing off my fingers

After looking through the pages I decided on this one. Its has the signature and some good coloring.


Alice should stop taking random drugs

Now I just need to pick a blank page to symbolizing my daughter (you’ll see later).


Now lets put it all together

                                  I did some okay measuring


After taking this photo I realized the cover pages were backwards so I ended up flipping them around.


*Bonus Quick Tip

I truly hate drywall dust

When drilling into drywall bend over a post it note and stick it against the wall under the spot you plan to drill.  You’ll be surprised how much clean up that little post it note will save you.


Hang on the wall

Don’t worry, the blue tape is for tricky diapers

This project was really simple and could be adapted to work with just about anything, so keep an open mind (maybe an old piece of childhood homework?). You will notice I did purposely put it closer to the ceiling to try and keep little fingers away.



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