
9 Reasons You Should Up Your Valentine’s Gift Giving Game

9 Reasons You Should Up Your Valentine’s Gift Giving Game

With Valentine’s Day just over a week away, the rush is on for dads everywhere to find the perfect gift for their partners. I admittedly am a terrible gift giver. I stress out, over think, and just don’t know what I should get my wife (unless she sends me a link). I’ve probably given just […]

Dad’s Planning Guide: When One Parent Travels

Dad’s Planning Guide: When One Parent Travels

If your wife travels for work - like mine does upon occasion - you’re bound to find yourself taking over sole parenting duties for a few days. And while there are plenty who think dads can’t handle it, I believe the exact opposite. In fact, I find it challenging, fun, and the perfect opportunity for my son and I […]

7 Things Every Dad Should Keep in His Car

7 Things Every Dad Should Keep in His Car

A dad’s car isn’t just a thing used to transport his kids from daycare to the zoo or from school to soccer practice; it’s a mobile command center. A device ready to tackle just about any scenario children can throw your way. Sometimes it literally is thrown at you. You need your car to be […]

How Much Should You Pay Your New Year’s Eve Babysitter?

The champagne is about to be uncorked, the confetti and balloons to fall from the rafters, and Auld Lang Syne is about to sung around the world. So…have you booked your baby sitter for New Year’s Eve yet? If not, you better get callin’ because according to a new Urban Sitter survey, many parents book […]

Most Popular Baby Names for 2014

With just weeks to go until the end of 2014, BabyCenter just dropped their uber list of the Most Popular Baby Names of 2014. While the top names for both boys and girls remained the same from last year, there are some new entries in the top ten this year. TV played a huge role […]