Dad Tales: The Moment My Son Started Responding to My Games (Video)

This post is part of our ongoing series “Dad Tales.”  Stories, triumphs, tantrums, tips, and real life experiences from dad’s point of view. Today’s guest author is Jeff, father to a 20-month-old.

It happened. We played together. I’m not talking about me handing him a toy, or him reaching for something. I’m talking about honest to goodness playing.

Here’s the complete progression …
At about 4.5 months I introduced “Hello, Goodbye.” Yes, it’s simply peek-a-boo, but I decided I wouldn’t say peek-a-boo, because it serves no real purpose in our society. Yup, I’m serious. I know even in typing this how crazy I sound.

I say, “Goodbye, Dylan” and put something over his face. I remove it and say, “Hello.”

Weeks go by, and he starts removing the object covering his face.

Weeks go by, and after a bath he kind of covers his face a little with the towel, in an attempt to play.

Then this happened. I started recording after about 30 seconds of him doing this. Sorry you have to listen to my annoying voice. This moment is the happiest I have been as a parent. Getting a tooth, turning over, eating solids … they are absolutely nothing compared to Dylan seeing me, and wanting to play with me. Some of you might watch this video and think, “That kid is just moving his head up and down, he has no clue that he’s playing with his dad.” Trust me. I am next to him for 95% of his life. I’ve seen the evolution. We’re playing with each other.

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One Response to "Dad Tales: The Moment My Son Started Responding to My Games (Video)"

  1. Amy Heffernan  April 28, 2015 at 10:07 am

    lol How cute!


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